Doodle # 207

>> 11 Sept 2010


Alan Barrett,  9/23/2010  

So saith Alan Barrett, sage, ssothsayer and varlet of ye ancient towne of Stoke-upon-Trent regarding the facsimilitude of yon resident drawist's representation as in detaile above:

He shalt set forth a demeanour of faithfulness, and maintaineth secure surroundings and be let not loose upon carpets with ye shag pile. He shall barketh at the spiritually impoverished, and that most loudly; with malice aforethought in his heart for evildoers and wouldoth-be evildoers, yet shall he dribbleth in manner cute when called upon by the one known as Doodleth of each Day, and shall be nameth Piftiwifti - which in tongue of old means "harder than frozen fudge".

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Daily Doodle is a project by Stina Jones, sponsored by Creative Elements.